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Maybe you heard about F3 through a friend, family member, neighbor, podcast, news outlet, wherever and now you’re here looking for more information. We are glad you’re here!


F3 started in 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina and has grown to more than 46 states and 3,400+ scheduled workouts each week through the efforts of men whose lives have been changed by their involvement with F3. The three Fs in our name stand for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith — the last of which we define as simply a belief in something bigger than yourself.


5 Core Principles


1. Free of Charge - NEVER a charge to workout EVER!

2. Open to all Men - No matter the man, you ARE welcome here

3. Held Outdoors - Rain or Shine, Heat or Cold, we are out there

4. Peer Led - Rotating fashion of men leading each other

5. Ends with a COT - Circle of Trust, where you can share or don't have to.  But we are all there to better each other


The 3 F's


1st F - Fitness - the Magnet that attracts men to F3

2nd F - Fellowship - the Glue that turns men into PAX

3rd F - Faith - The Dynamite that leads to Purpose in a man’s life and leads to Impact



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